The Nodes through the Signs

The nodes are a theoretical point in the birth chart. They show the past (south) and the future (north). A full nodal cycle takes about 18 years and is known as your nodal return; it can mark periods that are significant in breaking further away from your past and moving you toward the future. In synastry, your partner's planets aspecting your nodes are significant as they show you specific issues that'll crop up in the relationship. The south node, in particular, can show past habits you have already shared and point to things that will hold you back. It is possible to apply nodal stuff to everyday life, although many astrologers try and keep it strictly in the realms of spirituality. The following are condensed interpretations of each sign.

Aries(N): Learning to be more direct in this lifetime; less dependent on others and more of an individual in your own right. It will not deny you a relationship, but it won't tolerate you not standing on your own two feet or relying too heavily on others. Freedom versus commitment.

Libra(S): You have been too dependent on others and must now take a stand on your own. Compromise comes easy, but can you fight your own corner? You gave too much of yourself away, and now you must reclaim your autonomy.


Taurus(N): Stability and comfort; there's a need to concentrate on what is tangible. A need to develop resilience, patience, and endurance. Maybe slower, more methodical reactions. Learning about simplicity.

Scorpio(S): Having been a slave to inner desires, you must now move away from complexities and DO something. A need to understand the value of love and beauty on the physical level.


Gemini(N): Education, learning, talking, anything that's associated with gathering info on anything and everything. A need to lighten up and play a little. Stay away from intellectual pigeonholes; you're supposed to be mentally dexterous.

Sagittarius(S): A lack of sound knowledge makes you too vague. Acquiring more facts and figures before you can develop a well-rounded philosophy. Verbal diarrhoea is a danger. 


Cancer(N): Home is where you're heading, and family will be your aim. This is about relaxing in the safety and comfort of home. Mothering (whether you're male or female) is an important lesson for you, and there may be a work versus home conflict until you get the balance right. 

Capricorn(S): On the south node, this can show a past of hardship, a lack of love, and a need to learn about closeness and protection. Could've been too much attention given to your wants and desires at the expense of someone else's emotional needs. 


Leo(N): Learning to see yourself as special instead of following the masses is crucial to your nodal development. You may not be comfortable in the spotlight, but at some point, you will have to find the faith to express yourself and your beliefs. 

Aquarius(S): A past where you became too isolated and closed off from your heart. You must come down from your ivory tower and focus on personal warmth rather than abstract and idealistic thoughts.   


Virgo(N): You need to learn how to be more structured in your life and may well find that your main aim is to have things in order. You will benefit from keeping a clear head. 

Pisces(S): The past was about escaping and evading, a lack of boundaries and avoiding responsibility. Drowning in your own selfishness. An inability to focus the mind. 


Libra(N): Having to learn to compromise and share. Relationships are important. A need to move away from what concerns the self towards what matters to others.

Aries(S): You come from a past where selfishness and independence were fiercely protected. However, it is time now to leave that behind you, and compromise is a word you need to allow into your vocabulary. Your way versus compromise.  


Scorpio(N): A time of surrendering to the divine and going deeper into the ‘why's’. Regeneration of the soul and moving away from placing too much importance on material needs.

Taurus(S): You come from a past where life's luxuries came easy; it is now time to focus on the deeper side of life. You must fight against laziness when it comes to getting to know yourself.


Sagittarius(N): Have to get ON your soapbox and talk about the bigger picture instead of just spouting facts and figures. Philosophical reasonings must come from a healthy mind.

Gemini(S): Too much chatter and information gathering; you need to define your philosophies now instead of sitting on the fence playing devil's advocate. You will need to fight against all that is superficial. Find meaning in your thoughts or change your thoughts. 


Capricorn(N): You're gonna have to find a place in society; all personal talents and abilities must be used. A life in which you have to just get on with it. Work versus the home.

Cancer(S): Past issues with mothering but also a need to take yourself into the big wide world; you cannot stay within the safety of the home this time. 


Aquarius(S): A need to direct your attention out into the world; humanitarianism must be developed and acted upon. A life of service to benefit mankind as a whole.

Leo(S): Children or creativity could've played a big part in your past, and your personal faith has been strong. Now, you need to focus more on the group rather than keeping the sunshine to yourself. 


Pisces(N): Learning to be more in tune and sensitive. The unconscious will draw you at some point or maybe deep spiritual pursuits. A life where you must learn to sacrifice your own personal desires for those that are more in need than yourself. 

Virgo(S): Being too critical and not loose enough with your mind; you come from order, and now it is time to swim freely with your thoughts. Meditation may help with this transition.


Planets Conjunct the Nodes

