Soul-searching & Course Correction

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

- Soren Kierkegaard

Is this for you?

When work or home creates too many problems, it can lead to almost unbearable amounts of stress. Or maybe you are dealing with a painful or complicated love life and don’t know what to do. If you need space to let off steam about someone close, a co-worker, boss or project, I can listen and offer advice, if wanted, on coping with the situation.

Decision-making is often stressful. Finding an objective ear among those close to you is not always possible, especially if the decision-making will impact them in less than desirable ways. Talking things through when you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place can help you discern what you genuinely think is the right choice.

There can be an uncomfortable void between the ideal and reality of sharing our thoughts and feelings with others. Sometimes, it’s just plain old inappropriate or too personal. And sometimes, there isn’t anyone around who would listen and hear what we’re saying. I can support you in prioritising your needs, which is vital if you are dealing with an issue that could affect your long-term well-being.

Potential Benefits

Reduce anxiety

Improve communication

Increase self-awareness

Enhance self-esteem

Encourage healthy coping skills