Health & Healing

The body remembers, the bones remember, the joints remember, even the little finger remembers.

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The Blog

Complementary Therapies

I want to distinguish between the words’ alternative’ and ‘complementary’ because I think it’s essential. I prefer the term complementary because it implies ‘to use alongside’ rather than alternative, which means ‘instead of’. Rejecting western medicine is not a good idea; sometimes, it can and will save your life. However, I think there is an over-reliance on clinical medicine for minor issues. Often, if we take control of our healing journey, we can find a way back to wellness without a trip to the GP. As with most things in life, I think it’s better to be sensible and aim for balance. Any therapies discussed here will be done so for the sole purpose of drawing your attention to something that is said to be good for the body in some way. I prefer to see therapies as preventatives or support methods because I think this is where they can work best. Often, a healing technique can provide new ways of looking at the body. But the best reason for engaging in this type of stuff is that it can give you a sense of empowerment. 

Diet & Lifestyle

The blog will never be full of recipes, but I might talk about specific foods and food groups from time to time. When we get older, our dietary needs can change significantly. While many visitors to this site will be under the age of thirty, others will be my age and beyond. Menopause can be an enormous transition for women. From personal experience, diet can play a huge role when dealing with symptoms. HRT is unavoidable for many women for various reasons. Still, some of us can get away with making a few tweaks here and there. The rise in obesity levels is concerning; the effects on health can be severe. However, my focus is generally on well-being and feeling. If I eat well, I feel well. It’s as simple as that. One of the primary benefits of taking care of your lifestyle is that it gets you to engage with your own body actively. Giving time to physical wellness in any form tends to have a knock-on effect in other areas of your life. Any mention of exercise will likely centre around yoga, pilates, and walking.

The Blog

The website aims for a holistic approach to life; for that reason alone, I needed to create space for the very thing that provides the anchor to life itself. Knowing I must update the blog regularly is also an effective way for me to stay engaged with my personal routines. Again, it is aimed more at those who want to take it steady. The healing techniques will range from clinically-backed methods to those where a suspension of belief is needed.

Mind & Soul