Tarot, Oracles, & Other Types Of Divination

The true tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.

- A.E. Waite


Tarot as a tool for divination has evolved from playing cards since the mid-fifteenth century. The modern version in use today was developed in the late 1700s, with French occultists at the forefront. The historian in me cannot, with good conscience, give any further details on the history without providing solid references to evidence. As far as I know, the claims made by the occultists were untrue, but this didn’t stop the creation of what has become a much-loved system of divination. 

Tarot has seen a bit of a revival in the last few years thanks to new formats such as Youtube. Thousands of readers now post regular videos. One of the main topics is tarotscopes; a reader looks at the week (or day) ahead for each sign of the zodiac. Pick a card readings are also incredibly popular; the viewer picks from a selection of cards and takes it as a semi-personal reading. The questions tend to be pretty standard such as ‘will I hear from this person again’ or ‘will he leave his current partner for me’. However, there are one or two readers who focus on issues that are more relevant to personal development. Their readings are heavily centred around advice to help people move forward.

I began my study of the tarot in 1995. and turned professional around five years later. How I used tarot changed considerably in 2000 when I deepened my study into psychological astrology. I developed an aversion to the predictive element because tarot seemed to have so much more to offer than the old-school fortune telling that had been popular in the decades before. I still find it to be an invaluable tool for self-development. The imagery is a massive draw for me and one of the main reasons I love to see a new deck.  

It’s okay to be really precise with how you use tarot. Furthermore, it’s okay to be specific when choosing a deck, including having various decks for different purposes. Many people like the tarot because it can offer new ways of looking at old situations. Others like it because it can reduce the stress and anxiety around situations where you feel like you’re in the dark. Using tarot for self-development is a relatively new use for an old tool. You can use the card meanings to work on aspects of your character or do readings for ideas on how to heal past hurt. 

The Blogs

Tarot, Oracle, & Book Reviews

A pretty self-explanatory blog that deals exclusively with reviews of new and old tarot and oracle decks as well as any books I come across.

Tarot & Other Types of Divination

This blog contains loads of information for students. There are over eighty posts that cover the tarot card meanings, and these include the card’s correspondence to astrology to help with timing and further understanding the energy of the card. In time, I’ll add detailed info on the Lenormand cards, and Runes.

Mind & Soul






Tarot, Oracle, & Book Reviews

Tarot & Other Types of Divination