Trees That Heal

Trees That Heal

I've been curious about the mythical offerings of trees for a long time and use them in a divinatory capacity now and again. Since my late teens, this guide has evolved from exploring witchcraft, paganism, and different forms of divination. I use the following interpretations if I happen to be drawn to a particular tree, but I think it's more important to spend time with your own thoughts whilst you're sitting underneath whichever tree has caught your attention and see what comes into your heart.

My experiences over the years were personal to me, and you may get different or additional insights. Many people find trees emotionally healing, but the magical properties of trees are just that - magical. They work on an emotional and psychological level. Despite acorns in windows offering protection against lightning strikes, I wouldn't go waving a metal pole outside the house if there's a storm overhead. This is inner work stuff... ya need to internalise the vibe.

Alder is beneficial when clearing out old emotions that are holding you back. It is especially good for the emotions of grief and sorrow. The tree often thrives near ponds, representing a stagnant or not free-flowing emotion. Alder helps to get things moving again on an emotional level.

Almond can teach us patience and offers a reminder to appreciate what we have in life. All trees that offer food can give us information on things that we need to digest; the almond asks that you take your time making the decisions around you now.

Apple has strong connections to desire and indicates that the heart is about to be opened. There could be a new intimate love or a deepening of an existing connection. There could be an increase in the presence of temptation at this time, but it’s likely to be good for you.

Ash is a reminder that you need to have roots. If you’ve been unsettled, you could try planting things in your garden or somewhere nearby. Wisdom is promised if you can maintain a connection with the land surrounding you, and if you happen to live in the city – visit the parks.

Aspen brings fun and laughter. Aspen is the one to call on if you need life to lighten up around you. If you’ve happened upon this tree by chance, you are being told to stop taking things so seriously. It is also said to help you to face your fears.

Bamboo stresses the importance of remaining flexible – this plant promises that you won’t break. The presence of bamboo suggests that you can multi-task and mustn’t worry about spreading yourself too thinly. You may lean towards modesty, yet you can still pride yourself on your ability to stand tall.

Beech can help to increase tolerance towards others that are from different backgrounds. There is energy available to improve communication, both written and spoken. A good tree to call on if you suffer from forgetfulness.

Birch is a symbol of newness and beginnings. This tree tells us that we must let go of anything holding us back from taking a step in a new direction. It offers to nurture and support those brave enough to look at life with the eyes of a child.

Cedar symbolises healing and protection. It has many ancient connections and is considered both sacred and noble. Its presence indicates that integrity and wisdom are yours for the taking and all you need to do is trust the ongoing process inside of you.

Cherry is a highly fertile tree and reminds you that there will always be an opportunity to start from the beginning. If you want to increase nurturing for your soul, you must learn to recognise when the trees you pick from are becoming barren.

Cypress gives us the sign that says we are facing our fears and learning to navigate the undercurrents that surround us. It can also indicate that we are connected to a very deep part of ourselves that needs further exploration and understanding.

Elder offers to cleanse and gives the energy needed to release the old and outworn. Use this tree if you are struggling to accept changes or move forward. Considered sacred to Venus and an excellent ally if you need to detox.

Elm is said to help with the ability to talk to faeries and other elementals, so if you’re not into drugs, this could be the way to go! If you don’t want to talk to the wee people, this tree will enhance communication with humans too.

Eucalyptus is a medicinal tree that can help us understand our dreams better. It acts as a protector whilst we sleep and can also help slow down energy that is too intense. Can be useful if you’re finding it hard to breathe emotionally.

The Fig is the tree that helped Buddha find enlightenment. It has strong connections to abundance and tells us to use our past success as a base for our future endeavours. It can also be a sign that you’re about to let go of some of the shit from your life.

Hawthorn can help with situations or people that need to be purified. It offers protection if you are trying to rid yourself of destructive elements to grow further. It’s another one of those trees that attract the little people.

Hazel has strong magical properties and is a favourite of witches. Good for intuition and connecting to the inner light. Frequently used for making wands and dowsing rods. Hazel is apparently useful for finding your inner child too.

Hickory is said to teach persistence during difficult times. It offers a sense of strength and shows us how patience and flexibility can help us to endure hardship so that we may ultimately achieve our goals.

Holly can be helpful if you feel the need to increase your sense of protection so that you feel safe to open your heart to love more deeply. Because of the associations with the winter solstice, holly can often signify that the darkest hours are now gone. It is also said to enhance magic.

The Joshua Tree is connected to having strength and endurance during emotionally dry periods (because it grows in the desert). Its shallow roots remind us that this phase does not have to last long, and we can uproot any time we please and plant ourselves somewhere else.

Lemon has great energy for clarity of thought. It brings the ability to re-focus and acts as an excellent all-around stimulant. Lemon can help to make life feel cleaner and clearer.

Lilac can stimulate the spiritual side of life and aid growth in that area. It can trigger memories from childhood and help you regain your lost innocence.

Linden is the tree that offers the ability to see beyond surface appearances. It is said that the Linden tree brings healing and also balance.

Magnolia enhances fidelity within relationships (because of its resilience to pests). If the flowers are brought into the home, they will help calm erratic energy.

Mango can help us increase our ability to be intuitive without becoming overly sensitive to the point we get irritated by the slightest thing.

Maple symbolises the balancing of male and female energies. The maple can show us how to get the sweetness out of life.

Oak has always had associations with strength, wisdom, and protection. The acorns are a symbol of fertility and creativity. The oak offers reassurance when you’re feeling vulnerable, and it is said that acorns or oak twigs placed in windows will protect against lightning strikes.

Olive not only offers peace but an antidote to premature ageing, both physically and emotionally. When we have been beaten by life, we lose vigour and youthfulness; olive can help restore what was lost. Olive also indicates that we can now find solid ground, and if we’ve been feeling overwhelmed, we should start to feel at ease again.

Orange is another tree that offers to cleanse and brings a sense of renewal. Orange can help us to rediscover our childhood zest for life so that we can increase our vibrancy.

Palm is said to stop evil from entering an area. This tree is said to help protect against negative influences too. It may be worth looking more closely at those around you to see if you need to create some distance. Check your boundaries.

Peach can help to bring gentleness into your life. It is also known for its connections to immortality; it offers wisdom that normally comes with age.

Pine is symbolic of a major cleansing. Known for its ability to kill germs, it has the effect of getting rid of those issues and people around you that are dis-eased in some way.

Poplar carries the message that to succeed, we need to get out there and make things happen quickly, and it promises fast rewards to those who are prepared to go with the flow. It is a tree that needs little nourishment, but this one has strong and deep roots, unlike the Joshua tree.

Redbud tells you that trust in the creative self is needed, but you must be more expressive about your soul needs. There’s an indication of an increase in passionate love too, and the more you can communicate about this – the more it will grow.

Redwood is a huge tree with an extensive lifespan. The signs say you have good protection around you, and whilst it may not be the most fruitful time in your life, you have the space to take a step back and better understand your situations.

Rowan represents the message that it’s time to develop more self-control and discernment. The energy of this tree can increase your protection against external influences. Some sources say that the presence of a rowan tree is a sign of increased inspiration and will help with originality.

Spruce is said to help if you need to clarify your direction in life. It has strong emotional healing properties and can increase sensitivity to feminine energy.

Sycamore can help you to secure a stronger connection to nature. It can also be taken as a sign that there is plenty of nurture around, and all you need to do is open yourself up to it.

Walnut can indicate many hidden messages that you have access to. As a symbol of the natural cycles of life, it serves as a reminder that as one door closes, another opens.

Willow is a beautiful tree that represents healing on all levels. This tree is also said to be good for improving the psychic ability for all forms of divination. The weeping willow is especially good for delving into emotions.

Wisteria is said to open psychic doorways. Artists can use the energy of this tree to find inspiration in other realms of existence. Wisteria is the one to use if you need to attract good vibrations.

Yew can represent death on a psychological (not physical) level. It symbolises eternity and can often be found in graveyards and represents transition and transformation.


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