Soul-searching & Course Correction


When work or home creates too many problems, it can lead to almost unbearable amounts of stress. Or maybe you are dealing with a painful or complicated love life and don’t know what to do. If you need space to let off steam about someone close, a co-worker, boss or project, I can listen and offer advice, if wanted, on coping with the situation. Talking things through when you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place can help you discern what you genuinely think is the right choice. Read more here.

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When work or home creates too many problems, it can lead to almost unbearable amounts of stress. Or maybe you are dealing with a painful or complicated love life and don’t know what to do. If you need space to let off steam about someone close, a co-worker, boss or project, I can listen and offer advice, if wanted, on coping with the situation. Talking things through when you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place can help you discern what you genuinely think is the right choice. Read more here.