Our Last Love Song

Mrs White - Our Last Love Song

Although there was probably some transference in play, I felt like I'd been thumped when I first saw this picture. This image is harsh on my emotions; does the addition of the title help to nail its impact? I've loved many songs that speak of the impending doom of separation. But, how often do we notice that last love song we associate with a particular person?

It made me think hard, and I couldn't help but wonder if that last love song gives any clues to the reason for the breakup. I am someone who couldn't listen to a specific album for two years after her eldest daughter left home. It's not too difficult for me to understand why the concept of Our Last Love Song would be so easily transferred into visual art.

When faces are covered, I see the ease with which it enables the viewer to relate personally. The focus is taken away from the models and placed on the situation. It suggests a need to look closer at the surroundings; pay attention to the bigger picture. An old-fashioned radio sits between the couple, an obvious reference point considering the picture's title. Does its antique style suggest an old scenario playing out? I think it's the woman's dress that makes me feel that it's summer, albeit on an overcast and cloudy day. The whole backdrop looks gloomy, yet the white of the dress and the suit's darkness stand out exceptionally well. A storm may come with those clouds, or did one just pass? The sea is calm. No huge impending waves nor mythological creatures of the deep. The rugged shoreline is showing no signs of life; nothing is growing. If anything, it's telling me there's no comfort for either of them to stay in that place for too long.

This image makes me feel a tremendous amount of sadness. The couple were clearly well-suited at some level; there are no signs of a raging conflict and no sign of any weapons. In fact, the man's dark clothing and her light attire could suggest they are complimentary opposites. But as everyone knows, black and white make grey; is the issue here boredom? Was there not enough colour? The water says things are emotionally calm between them, but was that part of the problem rather than a blessing? Not enough movement in their respective emotions?

But still, the reference to summer suggests this relationship is terminating before its natural time. Endings are often shown with shades of autumn and winter, yet here they look almost dressed for a wedding, not a funeral. The man stands and looks at the ground, or is he looking at her? He may even be looking at his own shadow. The woman's head is focused away from him and faces the ground. If the couple were to start walking, they'd go off in different directions; is this a calculated move before the storm arrives? Is there a suggestion of an inability to weather storms? There's certainly no sign of protection or cover if one comes, and neither are dressed for it. Because he's the one who stands, is this his call? Holding her hand on her chest suggests a definite sense of loss for her. His hand in his pocket hints at resignation.

The image's title reminds me of a card from a deck called Celtic Wisdom Tarot and offers a good question with which to end this post. The Rememberer was used in place of the Hierophant. I pulled the following passage from the book. The Rememberer of Lore transmits the wisdom of traditions by which we all live. The essential lore that we need to keep forever before us is sung by the bard. What song is guiding you at this time?


Image credit - Mrs-White


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